Wednesday, March 4, 2009

An Antique Romance: The Pink Poet

Greetings fellow vintage lovers! I’m Stacey Newton of Flotsam and Jetsam. I collect and sell all things tiny, delicate, and inspiring. I consider my shop to be an old world establishment focusing on bibelots and curiosities of yesteryear. My favorite items are old textiles, vintage photographs and antique ephemera.

For my first post, I thought I’d share with you one of my favorite boutiques – The Pink Poet located in Olney, Maryland. Walking into this charming locale is like stepping back in time to a romantic era filled with millinery hats and sparkling jewels.
Glitter and old lace share shelf space along with miniature dolls and vintage photographs. Victorian scraps accent sterling spoons while hand selected books tempt the shopper to stop and stay for a spell.Proprietress Colleen Young has been a collector for over two decades but became a full-time dealer six years ago. She started with a small shoppe but has now expanded into 2 show rooms; additionally, Colleen maintains several booths at the fabulous Antique Crossroads Mall in Hagerstown, Maryland (definitely another locale worthy of an afternoon).
Colleen specializes in fine estate and costume jewelry as well as “decorative accents with a romantic flair.” She also has a wide range of holiday themed antiquities and collectibles. When I asked what she collects, Colleen laughed and said “Everything!” Can’t we all agree with her? She mentioned she tends to focus on different pieces according to the seasons. What strikes her fancy at the moment? Currently, Colleen can be seen scouring the markets for brown transferware, 19th century molds, majolica, and sterling hand mirrors*.With so many fabulous items in stock, I thought it would be insightful to know what Colleen’s favorite piece was … And her choice was certainly one of the most stunning in her store – A mid Victorian seed pearl pendant exhibiting extraordinary skill and craftsmanship.
The pendant was made especially for a young bride to wear on her wedding day! Each detail is exquisite from the intricate front design to the lovely finished patterned back (oftentimes these pieces are not finished on the reverse).

If you’re ever in Maryland and have a few hours to meander midst romance and magic, the Pink Poet is your haven.

The Pink Poet Antiques
Estate Jewelry and Antiques
16650 Georgia Avenue
Olney, MD 20832
Colleen Young
Hours: Thurs-Monday 11am-5pm

*Colleen shared a delightful & original decorating tip with me during our recent chat. She displays old sterling hand mirrors on a large wall using plate holders! The mirrored appearance lends twinkling light to any space. Feel free to mix and match sterling and silver plate to give a pleasant antique appeal. Remember that a tarnished patina can often create a romantic feel. If you find a mirror with a broken or missing glass, simply remove the remaining glass and hang as is … Brushes can have bristles removed for the same effect. Now I can’t wait to go out and find these hidden treasures!

**All photos portray Pink Poet merchandise and are available for purchase.


  1. Great shop and great info. Thanks for sharing. Denise

  2. I could look at these photos all day.

  3. COOL!!! Great post!! I love it!

  4. Oh many beautiful pretties. I especially am fond of the cute bunny :-)

  5. Thanks for the info- Will have to check it out, as it is near my hubby's work:)

  6. OHHHH thanks for sharing! I loved looking (and wishing I owned) many of those lovely pieces!

  7. I was so surprised to see this wonderful post and photos of Collen's shop - I hope you've shown her! I posted one a while ago - but this is superb! I was just there on Sunday - we have been friends for years- she does have the eye and style and is the sweetest person! Jennifer


  8. Colleen has moved her shop into a charming victorian house in Laytonsville, Md.
