Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vintage Finds...Vintage Postcards

Vintage postcards for collectors are small pieces of art. Postcards can document history, genealogy, be topical and holiday specific and act as memorabilia.

Antique postcards, Victorian trade cards, ephemera and paper memorabilia are used for inspiration for collectors, artist, and decorators. Cottage decorators used vintage postcards to achieve the romantic and shabby chic themes.

Whatever your choice in antiques, collectibles, or paper memorabilia…you can always find a vintage postcard or two for your next project. I never seem to have too many vintage postcards. I guess I really enjoy the hunt!

Cheers, Sharon
My Vintage Studio


  1. A post after my own heart...I love very old postcards, especially the ones that have a legible message on the back.

  2. Ditto to what Joy said, I love old postcards, and oddly enough almost always display mine from the backside... I love the old writing and stamps to show... Great post, thanks, Chrissy

  3. Old post cards are so nice, I have some I treasure. I started a post on old cards and postcards, very nice post.

  4. I have been a lurker and have recently added you to my favorites!Funny you should be talking about vintage post cards. I just started my blog today and included an old postcard with an Irish theme for St. Paddy's Day. Please stop by to see it. I know it isn't perfection yet. I am such a brand newbie and still don't know how to do things with text and pics. Any advice and knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks so much. ~ Sue

  5. I love to use colorful old postcards and greeting cards in graphic designs. They are so much prettier than those made today!
