Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just setting here pondering...

wondering if Spring is ever gonna come...wondering what task I should start next....and thinking there are just not enough hours in the day...

I would like to introduce myself, after going through 2 weeks without electricity in the past Ice Storm this is really one of my first official post!

My name is Tricia, and I have the pleasure of owning and operating a 7,000 sq ft shop in Western Kentucky. We specialize in Unique Country Antiques, with a garden/industrial flair. We do some shows on the road and are preparing now for our shows in Round Top, Texas which are right around the corner.

I would like to take a moment to thank The Vintage Journal for inviting me to be a part of the blog, as I am honored to say the least!

Drop on by my blog for up to the minute details on what we are up to! We have attached a few photos from our last show...come see us sometime!

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  1. I looked at the calender...yes Spring is coming soon! lol

    Thank you for sharing your photos!

    Cheers, Sharon

  2. Ooohhh I want that green tray in the basket! I don't know about "spring", here in Michigan we do not anticipate spring until just before winter. If we are lucky maybe june.....

    Lovely Pictures.

  3. those tole trays are awesome! What a great collection!

  4. Thanks girls....yes the trays are very cool....and I just got a few more in just in time for Round Top...I still have some available so let me know if you are interested! Thanks again for the FYI on Spring....I can't wait!
