Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cambridge Glass

Hi, I'm Cindy from My Romantic Home blog and I'm very honored to be a contributor to The Vintage Journal now!  I thought I would share my new obsession...Cambridge Glass!  One of my blog readers, Lorrie, who is an avid collector of Cambridge glass recently gifted me with the above individual sized creamer and sugar set.  It is gorgeous and I've been on eBay a lot lately looking for more Cambridge Glass!  Here are some pieces I found there that I think are so beautiful! 

When I posted about Cambridge Glass on my blog last week, it seemed to interest many of my readers.  Lorrie, who is so nice, wrote up the following for me about Cambridge and Heisey glass to share with you:
These glass companies were in business during the 30s and 40s; they are known for producing what is classified as "elegant" glass - superior in quality to "depression" glass. Both of these designations are on e-bay under "pottery and glass." Cambridge glass pieces often have a hallmark on the bottom which is a "c" inside a triangle. Heisey glass usually has a hallmark of a "H" inside a diamond.

There's lots of both out there, but it helps to focus your collection efforts on a particular pattern - it helps limit the frustration level associated with being a passionate collector! Also, smaller pieces often command higher prices because they are usually more fragile and therefore they broke easier than their larger counterparts.

One place that would be a good place for novice collectors to start is to read books on the subject, and there are many. Barnes and Noble has an entire section dedicated to antiques and collecting. If money for books is an issue, they can check their local library to see if they have books on collecting. I have developed a personal library of books about the various items I collect - thus I have yet another collection - books, lots of books!! See, one thing leads to another!!!

One book I would recommend is "Florence's Glassware Pattern Identification Guide." It's a great way to educate ourselves about the numerous glass makers/patterns/styles of glass. It's available on Amazon.

Ok, class resumes later...ready for an exam?

Thank you so much Lorrie for the lesson on Cambridge and Heisey Glass!  The only bad thing is that we may all be bidding against each other on eBay now!!!


  1. Hi Cindy,
    Welcome to The Vintage Journal! Once I saw your glass it brought back lots of memories. My grandma had a cabinet full & I had forgotten all about it. I'll have to go take a look on ebay (promise I won't bid against you). Good to have you as part of the Journal.

  2. Great post, I'll be looking for this glassware at yarssales and flea markets! CHEERS! Michele

  3. Cindy,
    I believe I posted on your last post regarding this design. I still love it! This coblet is gorgeous!
    Thanks for introducing me to Lorrie's site. I just placed an order in her Etsy shop for her primitive heart cookies...so cute!

    Take care!
    Romancing the Bling

  4. Oops!
    I meant to say the GOBLET is gorgeous! lol

    Romancing the Bling

  5. Cindy, I am in love with Cambridge glass ware, that glass is so pretty, thanks for the info about the company. You know some things you see with your eyes are so pretty, you just can't put into words what you think, hope I made sense.

  6. Exactly what word I had in mind: elegant. Are those flowers on the glass? You know how I love plants and flowers.

  7. Very pretty! I don't think I've seen this glass before. Hard to believe! Very elegant.

  8. I'm definitely going to look into a book on the subject. All these years I thought I had my grandmother's crystal but, after seeing your photo, I wonder if it isn't Cambridge glass instead. I find no markings on the bottom. I need to put on my investigative journalist's hat and get to the bottom of this!

  9. Thanks, Cindy! I have been looking and looking to identify the 8 place settings I have and you've done it for me. It's Heisey glassware. My dishes were my mom's that she purchased right after she was married in 1942. Now, I know how to search for additional place settings. Maybe I'll do a post on it sometime! Thank you!! PAM

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Cindy, thanks for sharing. My mom has lots of Heisey too!

    I accidently deleted my last comment--sorry

  12. Those are beautiful! I'm also a glass nut :0
