Saturday, January 31, 2009

Recycled Heart Art

Hello, a little post from A little about me. I love recycled art and repurposing items. I sell many of my items at Serendipity in Temecula California and on Etsy. At one time I had 3 shop-spaces in Carlsbad, Fallbrook and Temecula. I must have been crazy. I can't tell you how many things I've painted shabby chic over the years. I wanted to share a little recycled heart art with you. Really a simple project anyone can do. I used some old rulers and some old wooden drawer handle carvings. I have to say I love the water handle in the middle. It's very faint in the picture but it says "to hope" in french in the top photo. Well my friends enjoy your weekend and come sign up for my giveaway at Hold hope in your heart. Denise Elizabeth


  1. What a neat Valentine! And I love all the ones in the post below! Happy Pink Day! This is such fun...

  2. Gorgeous. Nice enough to frame and hang. Love your hearts. Thanks for dropping by mine.

  3. If I did something like that it would look like crap..YOurs is gorgeous.

  4. I love, LOVE your artwork!! I'm heading over to to check out your items! Thanks for making 'Pink Saturday' another success.

  5. What a wonderful talent you posess. I cannot create art but I can love it when I see it, and I love this. Debbie

  6. stunning--just love it Denise!

  7. WOW! Your artwork is amazing! I also want to thank you for your comments on my blog-it means a lot to me.

    Funny, my sons lived in Carlsbad for awhile up until a few months ago and one son went to school in Temecula. We visited. What a nice place to live!! We loved it and the weather was so great. So cool to meet someone from there!!

    Have a great weekend!


  8. What a beautiful way to recycle, they are very pretty. Hope your weekend is going great, what is left of it.

  9. Wow! So many wonderful things and pictures! I love your art! Thank´s for visiting me so I found your blog!
    I will soon get back and read and look carefully! It´s so late now and I am about to hit the bed - but I will soon get back again!

    Keep well!
    Ann-Helen in Sweden

  10. Oh goodness...isn't this lovely!?

  11. I like all of your heart art, very nice. TTFN

  12. Hi Meg, my zip is 49409, you always have a very pretty blog site.
