Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Go Green Wednesday ~Feb 25th~

I've been thinking about this for a few weeks and thought we could do a Go Green Wednesday Party on Wednesday February 25Th. I just love the color green. It is my favorite color. You know kinda like Pink Saturday but with a twist. You can post anything GREEN or do a RECYCLED ART/CRAFT PROJECT. I'll post your blog links. All I ask is that you leave a comment on this post by February 22nd. I'm not sure how often I'd like to do this or if anyone would be interested. I'm thinking maybe once month. Let me know what you think. Please grab the cute little moth and post it on your blog. Thanks for joining. Denise Elizabeth
Link to post


  1. I'm in! Green is my favorite color too!

    Leslie in N.Y.

  2. I love love love love green too! I'm in...I am not sure how to pick up the cute green moth and put it on my blog though. I will ask my teenager to help me :)...see you on Green Wednesday!

  3. Hi Denise, I would very much like to be a part of Go Green Wednesday. :o)

  4. neat idea Denise~I put it on my calendar!

  5. Now this will be fun! Can't wait!

  6. What fun! I'm in, and now off to find all my vintage greens.

  7. Love your blog---found you from Pam at your valentine and Paris posts. This sounds great!!!!!!! Count me only regret is I sold my green depression glass collection.

  8. Hi Denise'
    I think this is a wonderful idea,green is one of my most favorite colors too, please include me in Go Green Wednesday.

  9. Oh, those last two photos are gorgeous! And I like the idea of a Go Green Wednesday. Being a redhead, it's one of the few colors that doesn't clash with my hair - lol! Blessings.. Polly

  10. I just love your blog! I'm new to blogging but I love the go green Wednesday. I'd love to participate. I'll have to practice my blogging skills and I'm already dreaming of something green to post.

  11. I would like to participate...I love green and recycle all sorts of stuff to do projects with.
    So am I to post a project on my blog with the green moth badge in it on the 25th. And by me leaving this comment today you will be listing blogs links...I just want to be sure I do it correctly.
    feel free to e-mail me

  12. Thanks for the invitation to "Go Green Wednesday". New to Blog land so I'm not sure how to capture the green moth...but will do what I can...Thxs

  13. I'm in! You know I love repurposing things!

  14. I'd love to participate. I have something both green & recycled.
    Looking forward to Green Wednesday!

  15. yey i will join! i love recycling things which would otherwise go in the bin
