Saturday, April 4, 2009

Junking Heaven in Warrenton & Round Top

You've read about it, dreamed about it, and quite possibly considered quitting your job for it. Oh yeah, it's time. You NEED to get your junky derriere to Warrenton/Round Top!

If you're like me, your lust for rusty, musty, and dusty is hardly shared by anyone in your life. The only cure, my dears, is to immerse yourself in the wonders of Warrenton/Round Top Antique "Week" (which actually lasts anywhere from 10-21 days, depending on the vendors).

The first time I went was in Spring '07. I'd been junking for a few years, occasionally selling at the DC Big Flea, but had just taken the plunge and rented a booth in an antique store. I've blogged about it extensively, but the first time, I went for the latter half of the event. You will NEVER believe how large this is! It took me 3 DAYS just to cover the first town!

This time, I went on the early end; I feared that p'haps I was too early, that not all the vendors were there, or that they were saving their "good stuff" for the hard-core week, or *gasp* that the economy would've put its patented damper on the event. Silly me. Feast your eyes:

Be still my heart! I must've circled this garden shelf and giant clockface 12X before realizing there was no way it would fit in an overheard compartment.

Now I know why I have NEVER found a loving cup/trophy in my whole life. Apparently this vendor has them all. Be advised that the teensiest, cheapest one in this display was $70.

These garden pieces with burlap, lace, and tone-on-tone are so calming to me. I felt like I was swimming in a big ole caramel sundae. I am sooo cribbing this idea. 

Everywhere you turn, you will be inspired by displays that are unimaginably jaw-dropping.

This is a major event; you'll find everything from T2T, hoarded ephemera, salvage, mid-century, linens, girliest of girliest, and I hear tell there's some fine antiques sprinkled in there, but pishposh—who really cares about that?

My true confession is that both times, I have NOT gone to the Marburger show (the big one in Round Top that you've read about in Country Living/Country Home). First of all, that's where a lot of the high-end stuff is, and I've heard the prices are high. Also, it costs something like $25 to get in (but that's good for the entire show). Believe you me, there's plenty o' going around in the fields that you won't even miss the schmancy shows.

Wear your wellies or boots, and be prepared for 3+ days of port-a-potties. You'll be shopping in FIELDS, but you'll be among compadres (or is it com-madres, given that this is estrogen-heavy?). There's plenty of good TX food to be had, and every single vendor will be offering a cold quaff by the end of the day.

If you've been tormenting yourself, I urge you to go. For me, it's the ultimate high. I feel like ME there, and it's true junking heaven. See you in October? XOX


  1. What treasures, you are so lucky to be able to browse through, I like to look at other peoples junk any way, even if it is not antique. So have a great time and I know you will, be back on your post to see what you choose.

  2. Next time don't skip Marburger. I found more than enough for my low-end budget there. Besides, how can you spot a really good bargain if you don't also look at the high end stuff. Have fun!! Sally

  3. oooohhhhh...I wish I had a truck and a million dollars!!!! If I win the lottery...I am heading there!!!!! thanks for the pics!

  4. Oh I want to go!!!!!Please, please, pretty please!!

  5. Oh I see alot of things I could go for! What fun to have something like this in your area!
    Have a great day!

  6. Thanks so much, Sue! I have to live vicariously through people like you. I am soooo hoping to go in the fall!

  7. Oh it is junk heaven! lol I wish I could go!

    All the best,

  8. oh...i am so glad to see your lovely photos:) i was there for 3 days (and was too lazy to carry my camera around) really is fabulous! if it is ok with you - i would like to link to your blog, when i get around to posting about my texas excursion?!

  9. My jaw has dropped many of times looking at all these cool pics!! Wish I could have been there, Janna

  10. HEAVEN!!! I can't imagine how fun that was. October?? Maybe!!!

  11. I can't wait for the Fall show! I've been heartbroken all week because I couldn't be there. LOVE the burlap and lace! I totally plan on doing something with burlap and lace now. :) Thanks for sharing the pictures. Blessings... Polly

  12. I saw something in every pic that I wanted--boo hoo! This is somewhere I need to be....thanks for sharing!

  13. You need to remind us before the event next fall. I love the pictures, and would love to go to the next one. I'll have to mark my calendar right now!

  14. It was nice meeting you Debbie! Thanks for the pics - I loved the trophy one - would love to have one but not for $70! :-) Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog - what nice timing - it always amazes me when I get such a nice comment because the timing is always just when I need it. I enjoyed meeting you and your husband and I hope to see you again next time too!

    Take care and thanks again for the nice words,

  15. Thanks for sharing, will be putting this market on the top of my I'm gonna list. I thought I died and went to junk heaven when I saw all your pictures. ~Michelle
