Monday, March 16, 2009

Paper Bits and Parchment Baubles

Ephemera əˈfem(ə)rə
plural noun
*things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.
*items of collectible memorabilia, typically written or printed ones, that were originally expected to have only short-term usefulness or popularity
Ephemera can be as simple as last night's movie stub or as elegant as your grandmother's wedding invitation. Even your child's first finger painting fits into this broad scope of collecting. Items of ephemera are those things which we hold on to merely for sentimental value- In most cases, they would fetch only a few dollars, if that, at the local antique store. But what makes ephemera so special is it's power to transport us to another time with a simple glance.

Many crafters and artisans are using these "paper bits and parchment baubles" to create authentic and original work. By taking these images and altering them, they show true creativity and vision. By looking to the past, they create a beautiful piece worthy of contemporary admiration.
For this particular posting, I've included images from old ink blotters. These ladies are from the early 20th century and would be great in a collage or mixed media project... Have fun using these lovely "Gibson Girls" of long ago!
Thanks for stopping by- Please visit
Flotsam & Jetsam
for more ephemera and antique chatter!


  1. Great post Stacey! As soon I read of this blog in your blog I followed it in my google reader. Love the images, thanks for sharing again. I love ephemera too!

  2. I've never hear the term parchment bauble! I love it:)

  3. Very nicely done, this is a great post, thanks for sharing information with us.

  4. Beautiful post. I am so attracted to tiny bits of print and paper. And thank you for the use of those gorgeous images!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing these beauties! I love your new header too. Just beautiful!

  6. Lovely ladies. hmm I wonder what I would come up with.

    Thanks for stoping by my blog.

  7. I love these old images, and enjoy altering and recreating new designs too. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Nice post.
    these ladies have really the kind years 1920's.
    Than you.

  9. Love those Gibson girls. Weren't women from those days so romantic looking?

    Have a wonderful day.

  10. Thanks for the info. I've learned something new from your post.
