Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kitchy Vintage

Portobello Road is located in the historic Tobacco District of Durham, NC, and is one of my new favorite shops. Following the advise "try to sell where you like to shop," they are also carrying my work, which is even better! Check out shop owner Kippy's wild wares in these photos! Very kitchy; very fun.


  1. This is my kind of shop, I just love to browse. Are any of your items in these photos? Have a great week and weekend.

  2. Oh,how funny...My Monday girls(4 of us girlfriends got together on Mondays to craft)did a mosaic shelf w/broken china and found objects a couple of years ago...what fun! Great shop wish I lived closer...

  3. I zeroed in on the shelves of vintage linens in a heart beat. This is my kinda place!

  4. That looks like a wonderful shop. I wish I could find something like that near where I live.

  5. Ooooh I just want to go through that drawer of tiny little toys!
