Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Green Wednesday

Worn shades of green are among my favorite colors!
Last weekend I thought I'd try my hand at decorating some bottles. Since they're just for me, I put all the stuff that I like on them ~ lace, rust, & old jewelry.
How do you recycle/reuse/repurpose your green?
posted by: Polly ~ Counting Your Blessings/French Cupboard


Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

I'm with you on the worn shades of green, Polly. Love them too.

Anonymous said...

Great post Polly and great minds think alike. I was thinking I would do my April post on reusing old bottles. Yours are prettier than mine. I adore that first picture. xo Lynn

Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

Love your vignette with the old book and the bottles look fabulous!! Good job!
I've been working on some old bottles too but haven't quite got enough stuff on them...

Margaret Cloud said...

I like the way you decorated those bottles. We recycle everything, but if I come across anything pretty, like a bottle I keep it, for some use or other. Hope your week is going great.

Shaam said...

The bottles look really nice! I love lace and it looks so neat on the bottles :)

All the best,

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I love all things green. Most of my green items rest on shelves in my dining room hutch. I think I'll start using them, instead of dusting them.

Your bottles are so cute. A friend used to re-purpose old bottles. They were fantastic pieces. Part of their charm was where she had, purposefully, encouraged candles to drip down the sides, but only on a certain side. It created a thick ripple of wax and was quite pretty.