Monday, February 9, 2009

Recycled Box Spring

Several weeks ago I was at a local thrift shop (the kind of place that should be called "Ed's Bargains" ~ just a menagarie of stuff laying on the floors and stacked on folding tables). It's been on that corner for years but it looked like a dump so I didn't bother visiting until that day when we had occasion to step inside. I actually found some unique old things (of course! Shame on me for judging a book by its cover).
I saw this box spring standing by itself near the restrooms. I left it there... because, really, what could a person need with a 1900 box spring? But a week later I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. I've seen them at Marburger and other shows used as walls or ceilings for booths (great creative way to display items but in real life, what was I going to do with it?). Well, I had a heck of time convincing my husband, let me tell you. But I think it'll be one of my most fun decorating tools ever. Today it's on the mantle...

Do you have any ideas that I should try?

(I've posted a few more pictures at the French Cupboard for Metamorphasis Monday if you want to take peek) ~Polly, Counting Your Blessings~



  1. Wow! Very creative repurposing! Don't you love when some odd piece sticks in your mind!? It looks great on the mantle!

  2. Wow, how creative. I absolutely love it!Love your blog too! Hugs, Patricia

  3. That looks fantastic! I'm sure you will find all kinds of cool ways to use that piece. Very nice!

  4. I love this bed spring. It's totally different from the ones usually seen. So many possible boggles the mind! Good for you for a good eye and for going back and rescuing it! Debbie

  5. Wow, that is very creative! Looks fabulous!

  6. I think you could also hang it overheard over a patio or deck and use it as an awning/trellis for climbing plants. Heck, you could even put thin cylindrical pots into the springs to hold plants or clear jars with candles in them for evening entertaining.You could also cut the springs out of the middle and use them for many things!

  7. WOW...that took vision but is so COOL! Way to go!

  8. Beautiful, Polly. Love this item and what you've done with it!

  9. I love this--it looks great! What a conversation piece. I would probably use it for a more utilitarian purpose such as shoving mittens and gloves in the springs and hanging hats and scarves on the wires, or it could be cool in the kitchen too.

  10. How very talented you are! I don't know how you even thought of that, much less carry it through! Holy Cow! Great job!!


  11. That is awesome...just love it...looks great!
