Sunday, February 15, 2009

Paris Apartment Chic Sofa finds it's Family, Fact or Fiction?

The following is a true account of the adoption and reuniting of the family of this fabulous French Chic sofa that is currently residing at the Red Shed in Grapevine, Texas...........

"We have all been shaking our heads over this lovely Paris Apartment Chic living room set that is featured right now at the Red Shed. How it came together is just a little unbelievable."

Valarie and Michele M. found the couch at a little shop in another city. We initially didn't buy it though really, everything about it was perfect, Red Shed "Cottage Chic".
It has a gorgeous dark gray pantina. Heavy, solid wood, beautiful carving and just the right amount of shabby. Most of the caning is perfect and the center section of caning is shaped like a heart.

Fabulous lions paw legs...

Why didn't we buy it? I don't know, really heavy, didn't have the truck with us, we were in a hurry.... Anyway, it was just one of those things that we lost sleep over. After about a week I went to M.M. and said, look I am losing sleep over that great couch, and she said, Me too! We called the shop, gave her a credit card over the phone and arranged for pick up.
The next time Michele Jones (our third business partner) came to the Red Shed, she took a look at the sofa and her jaw dropped. "Oh no!" I said, "Do you hate it?"She just started laughing and said she had the rocker and chair that matched the set exactly, and had kept them in her home for years because she loved them so much, and was not ready to part with them.Both pieces need the caning redone, but she was right! They are a matching set!

So what do you think? Were they meant to be back together?If you are in the Dallas Fort Worth area, this fabulous sofa is only $399.00 and each of the chairs are offered at $100.00 is. Will the family be kept together or will they be separated once again? ......Stay tuned!


  1. That's an amazingly sweet story and the set is just gorgeous! I do hope they don't separate :)

  2. Thanks for such wonderful inspiration on this blistery California day. I see you have upcoming Markets on your it possible to add The Tattered Houses' upcoming Market? Info on our site which is linked to yours already...we are expecting La Maison to be here as well.
    Wonderful Sofa, too!!!! The colors are perfectly Paris!!! S.

  3. I love how the three of you all circled around the same piece - even across the years. That means that you were all meant to have it. The person that buys the set (and I hope they by the set) will truly appreciate how these pieces longed to be together. What a wonderful legacy. Dont they look like they belong in some French villa? I would love to have them here in California. Amazing! Sandy - The Tattered House.
