Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Everyday Elegance

Hey, y'all! It's Sue from Vintage Rescue Squad. Even a junky grrrl like me needs a daily reminder of the elegance of vintage, so I'm giving you a peak into my home. I know "elegance" may not be the first word that comes to mind when you think of me or VRS, but I can't help myself. So, I don't fight it. Whenever I see interesting silver pieces (or silverplate—I'm not proud) with an interesting patina or shape, I snatch them up to repurpose for everyday use.

I use creamers and sugar bowls for toiletries. No need to hide them in the medicine chest anymore!

Creamers and candy dishes filled with tealights are great when entertaining. I fill them with sand, rice, pebbles, whatever suits the mood or season. Most of my bookgroup thinks I'm nuts, but I like to inject a little bit of vintage into everything.

But trays are my favorites! For a perennially disorganized grrrl, they serve as great catchalls for the coinage I'll need to buy MORE silver ...

... and rope in all the items I tend to misplace on a daily basis.

Mint julep cups hold all my pens in my home office. Pens are never elegant or pretty, but it makes me smile when I reach for one!

Keri, of Antique Therapy, generously allowed me to crib this photo which I've been drooling over for months. She plants cacti and ornamental cabbages in tureens and chafing dishes. How sweet are these??? You betcha I'm also cribbing this idea for my home.

As much as I love collecting silver (and NOT polishing it, like I had to as a child), I'm also a sucker for vintage muffin tins. I also have a lot of silver water pitchers filled with both fresh and dried flowers, and and various servers holding mail, etc. Now if only I could convince my beloved doggie to eat out of an elegant silver chafing dish. Do y'all have any more ideas for creative uses? I've got a lot of silver to repurpose. XOX


  1. You & I have a lot in common, I have collected the same things. They also serve dual purpose. Love your vintage silver!

  2. I am with you ! I love silver...or silverplate...and use it for everything!!! Thanks for the great photos!

  3. It is the best way to preserve: Just to use them. They get better with age that way and you get some good use out of them. AND they look great!!

  4. Hello Sue!! Great post, love the pics, I, too, love silver or silverplated trays..I have the same muffin tin that you have. It was my mother's.
    Have a great week!

  5. Fabulous idea. I am going to look at silver in a whole new light.


  6. Of course! Running to get the silver baby cups to put them in my bathroom :)

  7. I love this post! I have lots of old tarnished silver and use it for all sorts of stuff too. My favorite is a vintage silver teapot and the creamer & sugar that match. But I have this silver punch bowl that seems to get used the most. Moving it around from one pile of stuff to the next. :) Blessings... Polly

  8. Loving all the repurposing going on here! The silver has such great patina! Keri's plantings are amazing, too!


  9. I have lots of silver from my grandmother and of course it is mighty tarnished--I see my mom cringe when she visits, so I try to keep it out of view LOL
