Saturday, January 17, 2009

WhisperWood Cottage Joins Le Vintage Journal Team

Hi, everyone! My name is Amy and I am a new team member for Le Vintage Journal!
Perhaps you have visited me at WhisperWood Cottage or perhaps I have left a comment for you on your blog. If you are here, I'm guessing it is because you are a lover of vintage things! Well, so am I! We're going to get along wonderfully!

What do I bring to Le Vintage Journal? I'm glad you asked! I am a junker! What is that? It is someone who takes items that other people consider junk and makes them useful or beautiful in new ways! And I love it! You will find me at garage sales, flea markets, antique stores, thrift stores, and related places digging up the next item to inspire my creativity. Here are examples of things you will see from me...

I'll be posting about once a month here on Le Vintage Journal. I look forward to getting to know you! Please leave comments so I can visit you, too!


  1. Hey Amy congrats and thanks for sending us here, another great blog to add to my reading list!

  2. Oooh, a contributing writer!! That's what you are!! Congrats Amy and also for the link here. This looks like a great site to peruse!

  3. Hello,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. It's nice to 'meet' new friends. Have a wonderful day.


  4. Love those dispensers! I have SO wanted one :)

  5. Hi Amy,
    Good to meet you. Love the dispensers, I need one for my ribbon. On my way to your blog to check it out.

  6. Love the vintage flash cards! Very graphic, very sweet.

    All the best,

  7. What fun....I LOVE to re-purpose items and make them into functioning, beautiful things. You've got the right touch! Happy New Year from Houston!
