Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Talking Trash And Smack in Downtown Malakoff

Hey y'all! This past weekend Cat Daddy and I went to the grand opening of the Junk Palace in Malakoff, Texas. Three words-Fab U Lous!!! In case you don't speak trash talk that translates to Wow Wow Wow!!! We're all looking for new places to shop and if you love the same things I do, well look no more.Lillie is the proprietress of this lovely new establishment and with the help of an amazing crew, she transformed a wonderful old building in downtown Malakoff into a shopper's Disneyland. Some of you may already know her from Canton First Monday, where she with her talented friend Maggie share a building. Maggie was on hand for all the festivities Saturday. It was my understanding they had been pulled down off the ceiling and ladders just in time for us. You would never have known because they both looked like the shoppe...beautiful in white.

This etagare' was one of my favorite things in the store. Don't you just love it? It does have shelves, but I think it's more of a statement piece the way Lillie used it. Do you agree? Just say yes and keep me happy thinking my opinion counts.

While it was cold outside and we were dressed in several layers including, but not limited to, longhandles, the cold wasn't a deterrent to the intrepid shoppers joining in on all the fun. And speaking of layers, how fantastic is the layering in this photo? All in agreement? Good, now you're getting it!

I'm not sure what this was in its former life, but this is a dream of a display cabinet. I love that the glass is all around so that what it cradles can be seen from any direction. How uber-cool!

Layers, layers and more layers, just waiting to be lifted and taken home. If you have a hankering to see more pictures(and I know you do) of Lillie's fantastic shop just click here. Her store hours are Thursday-Sunday, 11 am to 5 pm. If you're going to East Texas any time soon, be sure to drop in, buy something and tell her Debbie sent you. Dropping my name won't get you a prize, but it sure will make me feel good. Later y'all! Debbie


  1. Yes, mam! I agree! Okie dokie! You are right! What would we do without you?

    Did I do good? Are these the kind of comments you wanted? :)

