Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sharing Blessings

Hi everyone. I'm so honored to be part of The Vintage Journal! What a fun thing we get to participate in. My name is Polly and my blog/website is Counting Your Blessings. I've been blogging since June of 2007. What started out as a way for me to break the cycle of fear of my ex-husband, blossomed into art and friendships and sharing blessings.

I haven't always been a junker. I know, gasp & shock! 12 years ago, when I was pregnant with my second child, all of sudden I got creative (or artsyfartsy, as my co-workers said). I started making faux flower arrangements, painting ceramics and watching HGTV 24/7. Everyone who knew me was shocked! No one was more shocked than me when, after the baby was born, cupid's creative arrow stuck.

With 4 kids, 2 dogs, a dreamy husband, a historic farmhouse and homeschool, these days it's pretty hectic but creating is still something that I look forward to. One of my current projects is our 3rd floor attic. I've been told that nearly a century ago it was the servant's quarters so we've named the attic studio/classroom The Servant's Quarters. You can watch the progress HERE.
I've been making lacy lampshades for the studio (because this room really lacks good lighting so I have lamps everywhere). It quiets my mind to stitch the old chantily or quaker lace to the frames while we watch tv at night.

Do any of you have the Can't-Do-Nothing affliction like I do? Even when I'm resting, I'm usually doing something. I can't wait to get to know each of you a little better and share our vintage-y projects. Thank you, Denise, for letting me be part of this! Blessings.. Polly


  1. I knew you would post something absolutely beautiful and I wasn't disappointed. Love your lampshades. Debbie

  2. 4 kids and homeschooling and you can still create!? You're my hero!

  3. We sound a lot alike I can't sit still for nothing. Nor can I just do one thing at a time. I always have 3 projects going on at any given moment. It keeps a girl on her toes! :) Look forward to hearing more about you! Blessings!

  4. Hi Polly,

    Just wanted to stop by and say hi! Beautiful Lampshades . . .do you have a tutorial on how to make them??? I would so love to try!

    I too have a sit still problem . . .so many things running around in my brain and I can only do one. LOL Glad to see you here!

  5. Hi Polly--love those lamp shades!
