Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dreaming of Spring

Are you like me and as soon as the weather starts turning pretty, you dream of Spring time. The birds were chirping so pretty yesterday at my house and the butterfly's have already started to be seen around my rose bushes, my jonquils have bloomed (very early I might add) and there's a sense of Spring time in my area. Of course here in Texas, if you blink the weather will change just that fast. The weather guys are predicting a cool front is supposed to hit Texas toward the end of the week, so I'll guess I'll enjoy the Spring time weather while I can.

The other day when I was watching Martha Stewart, she featured Petersham Nurseries. located in Richmond Surrey UK in Central London. I loved the way they have placed their nursery plants in settings you can really envision in your home with beautiful antiques, which are also for sale.

(all photo's property of Petersham Nurseries)

To inspire you ahead of time for Spring Time and to read more about this nursery, click here.


  1. HI... just wanted to say what a lovely blog you have!!! I'll be back again!

  2. Those geraniums are gorgeous!! I will have to check out that site!

  3. We are having a cold front here in Ny. Thank you for the link.

  4. I'm a spring and summer gal at heart and an avid gardener too, thanks so much for sharing this--I'm getting the itch to get my hands dirty!

  5. my sister phoned yesterday and said she was sitting out on her veranda in the sunshine reading a book!!!! that is too funny because it has been sooo cold around and snowing. she was dreaming of sping too and i wish it was. we have another two months to go yet!!

  6. I recently found your blog and I'm happy I did! I love it! I will stop back soon and would love it if you would come by Our Scented Cottage and see what I'm up to.
