Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Featured Shop ~Vintage Bliss - Tricia~

My name is Tricia Samsal. I have been in and out of retail since I was 16. I have sold just about everything. I have done every aspect of retail, from cashier, manager, and owner of 2 antique & paper art stores. My first shop was called Victoria Gardens. My Mom and I ran that shop for a year and half. I kinda just did my own thing for a few years and then the opportunity came for me to open a shop again in 2005. So of course I had to jump on it. But then some unfortunate circumstances came up and I had to close the shop again after only 6 months. I love love love having my own shop. One day I will get that back again, but for now I love going around to different towns and selling my goods at vendor shows and art fairs. For the last 3 years I have been setting up vendor tables at shows like Art Unraveled, First Fridays in Phoenix, a few scrapbook shows in Phoenix and Tucson, and my favorite La Maison Rustique. I sell paper art supplies, vintage and antiques, and mixed media art. I am addicted to buying and selling. It is just too much fun! Sometimes I keep a piece for awhile and then sell it when I'm done oodling over it. I figure it's time for someone else to oodle over the piece. I have met so many awesome people through all these shows. I have made some great friendships, I love them all. I also sell a few of my goodies at some shops in Arizona- Hollywood Regency and The White Porch in Globe. This past summer I got to shoot a craft segment on our local morning tv lifestyle show called Sonoran Living. That was so cool. I have never been on tv before. It is a little addicting. I'm ready to do that again,too! It is great to be able to do everyday what you love, and I am. I only hope to be able to one day have my shop and do this all the time. Thank you for listening to my story. Blissfully Yours, Tricia :)


  1. Love all your stuff.

  2. I want every one of your table cloths in the first picture!! hahaha Yet, I never put out new ones, always my one favorite blue floral one....

  3. I love Tricia's stuff! We meet at La Maison, thanks for the beeswax tip! You are very talented!
