Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Featured Shop ~Scrappi Jessi~

Hey there my name is Jessi Nagy aka "Scrappy Jessi" or as some of my friends call me "Barbie Girl" I have dabbled in art, photography,scrap booking,collecting,crafting for as long as I can remember. I was always up to something. My Life is full of adventures. I believe you should live out loud. Live in full color.(while secretly feeling like I'm on candid camera) I swear i say it out loud all the time. "is this a joke?" "where are the cameras?" Some things are just so crazy or silly that I totally believe I'm being punked. I have had my Blog for for about a year and a half. It has been such a thrill getting to know people from all around the world. I LOVE that they just "Get" me. I have had the opportunity to meet several of my blogging friends in person.What a treat. We always automatically just click, like were old friends. I have made so many wonderful friends through blogging. I think my favorite part of the whole thing is the emails, letters, and gifts that i receive. I'm so touched when people tell me that i have "Brightened there day", "made them laugh", "brought them out of a bad mood" I have a lot of readers who are ill. They tell me they come to my blog to "escape" if only for a few minutes. They also tell me they are "living vicariously through me". That my friends is what this whole blogging world is about. I started an ETSY store in June. to my surprise it is doing really well. I have had lots of custom orders. Not only for my tiles, but tags, canvases, books,wands, crowns, atc's etc... I love doing custom work. I always feel like I have made something special. One of a kind. The customers are always happy with there orders, and in turn, that makes me really happy.


  1. Wow....your art is delightful and so fun! You get the prize for being so Cheery and Colorful. I love all the littles details in you pieces....sort of like a "Where's Waldo" for the eyes...lots of fun stuff to look at. Have a blessed day! Susan S.

  2. Oh, your art, like Susan said, is delightful!
