Monday, October 6, 2008

Vintage Scrappy Gal --Tiffany

Meet Tiffany---
I opened my shop in April of 2008, a couple of months after I started blogging. I wanted to share my love for vintage and hard to find treasures with others. My favorite part of my boutique is of course shopping for the items! It is most exciting unearthing a treasure at a flea market or yard sale and finding the perfect new home for it. I love to repurpose vintage items. I am especially fond of altering old jewelry into new jewelry pieces, photo frames, altered bottles and such. I also love to add vintage hardware like drawer pulls and knobs to my altered art projects.I have several favorite things I collect. Because of my love for repurposing vintage bling, I have to say my number one collection is of vintage jewelery pieces. I also collect vintage trophies and monogrammed silver.
Her art crown from vintage Items!

She added vintage rhinestone jewelery, an old clock face, and vintage wedding millinery.The base of the crown is a part of an old 70's style lamp she tore apart. She bought it at Goodwill for a couple of bucks. I just love this crown she is so talented!


  1. That crown is fantastic-so clever and pretty to boot. Debbie

  2. I too like the crowns. I've updated my blog with current Texas Events and shows if you'd like to update your side bar with these. Thanks for stopping by, T

  3. I really like all your vintage art work! You are very creative!

